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Orthodontic Appliances

Orthodontic Appliances a device, either fixed to the teeth or removable, that applies force to the teeth and their supporting structures to produce changes in their relationship to each other and to control their growth and development. Anything your orthodontist attaches to your teeth that moves your teeth or changes the shape of your jaw.
Habit Breaking Appliances
Thumb Sucking Habit Breaking Appliance
Sucking is a natural reflex that relaxes and comforts babies and toddlers. Children should cease thumb sucking when the permanent front teeth are ready to erupt. Typically, children stop between the ages of 2 and 4 years. Thumb sucking that persists beyond the eruption of permanent teeth can cause improper growth of the mouth and malalignment of the teeth. A more permanent solution to thumb sucking is an appliance called a “fixed palatal crib” The appliance is cemented on the upper six year permanent molars and is positioned behind the upper front teeth on the roof of the mouth. The crib consists of semicircular stainless steel wires that are fastened to molars using steel molar bands. The stainless steel wires fit behind the child’s upper front teeth, and they are barely visible, if at all. This appliance does not cause any discomfort and is not affected by eating. It serves as a reminder to the child that the thumb is not suppose to be in his mouth. The crib usually stops the habit of thumb sucking within weeks or months.

Tongue Thrust Habit Breaking Appliance
Tongue thrusting, simply defined, is the habit of placing the tongue in the wrong position during swallowing, either too far forward or to the sides. It is estimated that every 24 hours you swallow a total of 1,200 to 2,000 times, with about four pounds of pressure per swallow. This constant pressure of the tongue will force the teeth and arches out of alignment. Besides the pressure exerted while swallowing, nervous thrusting also pushes the tongue against the teeth while it is at rest. This is an involuntary, subconscious habit that is difficult to correct. A tongue thrusting appliance is made for the patient that is permanently cemented in place. It is necessary to correct this habit prior to doing orthodontic treatment on a patient. If this habit is not corrected, the teeth will relapse after orthodontics due to the tongue pushing against the teeth when swallowing.

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